[Bio-linux-list] Bio-Linux Unity Desktop

Tony Travis tony.travis at minke-informatics.co.uk
Thu Apr 27 10:48:55 EDT 2017

On 27/04/17 15:24, Sara Rassner wrote:
> Hi Tony,
> I almost only use the terminal and do things in/from there, usually
> following a written protocol or a how-to guide. In that case it's not
> hard to find things as the protocols usually tell you what to type in.
> It's when I'm trying to find a program etc using the clicky-button
> approach that I get lost (since I rarely use Bio-Linux as an everyday
> computer).

Hi, Sara.

Ah! clicky-buttons - You either love 'em or you hate 'em :-)

> Perhaps when the day comes and I start using a Linux computer more
> regularly that will stop being an issue. 😊

Actually, I've been trying out the Microsoft/Ubuntu "bash" shell, which
might be a another way of running command-line 'Linux' programs if you
really prefer to work in a Windows environement:

> https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-gb/commandline/wsl/about

> (Oh and thanks for all the brilliant work on Bio-Linux by the way!)

Thanks, but I can't claim all of the credit for Bio-Linux :-)

Tim Booth was the lead developer of Bio-Linux until, he left the project
for a new job, but I have been involved in the Bio-Linux project helping
Tim for many years. I'm now seeking funding to develop Bio-Linux 9 and
Dawn Field, who lead the original NERC/EOS Bio-Linux project from the
outset is also looking for ways to develop Bio-Linux further. We plan to
coordinate our efforts with Steve Moss at "bioinformatics.org", where
this Bio-Linux list is being served from:

> https://www.bioinformatics.org/groups/?group_id=341

Glad you find Bio-Linux useful!


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