[Bio-Linux] Bio-Linux 8 - Some questions and answers

Tim Booth tbooth at ceh.ac.uk
Thu Jul 31 06:12:11 EDT 2014


I've had several responses to the announcement of Bio-Linux 8 and
various questions asked.  Many thanks for all the positive feedback.
For the questions, rather than reply to each question personally I'm
putting the answers here for everyone to see.

Q1) After upgrading will I still retain my current applications/
settings/programs etc.?

Yes, the upgrade will keep your files and settings.

Q2) The "runurl" command gives a "syntax error" and the upgrade script
won't even start, or else freezes and then gives a "timeout error".
What might be the problem?

Obviously you need a working net connection to do the upgrade.

One reason the above might happen is if you need to connect to the web
through a proxy server and this is not configured to work in the command
shell.  You need to set the correct proxy under System Settings->Network
and select "Apply System Wide", then open a fresh shell.  If you already
have Firefox working then look in the Firefox proxy settings and copy
them to the System Settings.

Q3) Can I still submit new wallpaper images for Bio-Linux 8?

We had a fantastic response to this and I'm delighted that so many
people wanted to share their photos.  What I propose to do is to stick
with the ones we have for now but some time in the new year I'll put out
another call and add a batch of new photos.

Q4) I try to upgrade but I get the error "An unresolvable problem
occurred while calculating the upgrade." - what can I do?

There are various things that might cause this, and I'm working on a
fix.  Please keep an eye on the Bio-Linux mailing list and I'll let you
know when there is an updated updater script to try.



Tim Booth <tbooth at ceh.ac.uk>
NERC Environmental Bioinformatics Centre 

Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
Maclean Bldg, Benson Lane
Crowmarsh Gifford
Wallingford, England
OX10 8BB 

+44 1491 69 2705

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