[Bio-Linux] BioLinux8 Dockerfile (Tony Travis)

Steve Moss gawbul at gmail.com
Sun Dec 21 04:10:57 EST 2014

Dear All,

I've been playing around with the Dockerfile for the Bio-Linux8 Docker
image (https://github.com/gawbul/docker-bio-linux8). I managed to get it to
install all the Bio-Linux packages, as per Tim's upgrade script, with the
exception of a few graphical packages. The image size is around 6Gb,

I'm trying to think of the best way to do this now? Should I just provide a
base image with Bio-Linux repositories configured so users can install what
they want? Or should I install a few commonly used packages? The question
is then, what are the most commonly used/required packages?

Tim, I was trying to think if there would be any metrics on the number of
installs of bioinformatics packages from a given repository that might be
able to help with this? Otherwise, I guess it would be a case of people
giving a list of the packages they need/use on a regular basis?



Steve Moss
[image: Steve Moss on about.me]

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