[Bio-Linux] Kegg now charging for FTP downloads

Tim Booth tbooth at ceh.ac.uk
Thu Jun 30 06:06:02 EDT 2011

Hi All,

This news may be of direct relevance to some Bio-Linux users, so I
thought I would draw your attention to it.  The announcement was made
over a month ago but I only just saw it this morning (thanks to Bela
from CLC Bio).


The executive summary is that due to loss of funding, the team that
produce the KEGG set of databases are no longer going to allow free FTP
downloads for academic groups (as of today).  On-line browsing and
searching of the databases will remain free.

I suspect that anyone who already downloads directly from KEGG will have
seen the message, but I wonder if this is going to have any impact on
other applications or websites that use the KEGG data.  I've not heard
any news to that effect myself, though - has anyone else?



Tim Booth <tbooth at ceh.ac.uk>
NERC Environmental Bioinformatics Centre 

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