[Bio-Linux] New mirror of Bio-Linux packages and ISO

Tim Booth tbooth at ceh.ac.uk
Mon Jul 11 11:29:06 EDT 2011

Dear All,

As Bio-Linux continues to "grow up" as a distribution and reach users
around the world, some people have complained of slow or unreliable
connections to our download server in Wallingford.  This has been a
problem for some time and impacted both ISO distribution and package

We are pleased to announce that the ibiblio mirror service at the
University of North Carolina has now set up a mirror of these files and
will keep these updated on a daily basis.  We therefore suggest that all
users in North America consider switching to this server for package
updates.  This essentially involves editing the
file /etc/apt/sources.list and changing the server path
"nebc.nerc.ac.uk/bio-linux" to "distro.ibiblio.org/bio-linux/packages".

More detailed instructions regarding this are here:


One downside is that we now have no accurate way to measure the number
of people using Bio-Linux, so please do be vocal on this mailing list or
else get in touch with us directly if you have experiences or comments
on Bio-Linux that you want to share.



Tim Booth <tbooth at ceh.ac.uk>
NERC Environmental Bioinformatics Centre 

Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
Maclean Bldg, Benson Lane
Crowmarsh Gifford
Wallingford, England
OX10 8BB 

+44 1491 69 2705

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