[Bio-Linux] How to complete installation of new packages

Oliver Buckley obuckley at ceh.ac.uk
Mon Mar 8 07:16:40 EST 2010

Dear Bio-Linux Users,


The newest version of bio-linux-fastDNAml, bio-linux-mrbayes,
bio-linux-njplot, bio-linux-rasmol, bio-linux-tree-puzzle and
bio-linux-treeview were released today. Many Bio-Linux systems will pick
up this update overnight. In order to complete the installation, you
will need to log into your system, and run the command

sudo apt-get -f install

If your machine does not install updates automatically at night, please
update your system and then run the above command from a terminal

These new packages change substantially the way we have been
distributing packages and will allow installation on either 32 or 64 bit

Please feel free to write to the NEBC helpdesk (helpdesk at nebc.nox.ac.uk)
if you notice any issues with the new package. 




The NEBC Team 


NERC Environmental
Bioinformatics Centre
tel: 01491 69 2705   Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
Maclean Bldg, Benson Lane
Crowmarsh Gifford
Wallingford, England
OX10 8BB 

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