[Bio-Linux] Bio-Linux 3.0 is released!

Dr Dan Swan dswan at ceh.ac.uk
Fri Dec 5 10:49:33 EST 2003

Dear All,

We are pleased to announce the release of Bio-Linux 3.0!

Bio-Linux 3.0 is a complete reworking of the Bio-Linux system.  We have
taken the best aspects of Bio-Linux  versions 1.x and 2.x, and listened
carefully to suggestions from users of Bio-Linux, to create a more
user-friendly system with additional bioinformatics and development
packages pre-installed.

New features in Bio-Linux 3.0 include:

* Ready to cluster with other Linux and Bio-Linux machines using Condor
* Software for QTL analysis now included
* EST analysis pipeline from EGTDC developers in Edinburgh installed
* Based on the Red Hat 9.0 Linux distribution
* Automatic nightly updates to system packages using Yum
* Better printing support and easier printer configuration
* More software development tools

The main Bio-Linux web page

has been updated and software documentation has been rewritten to focus
on Bio-Linux 3.0.  Documentation for previous versions of Bio-Linux is
still accessible via links on this web page.

There are 2 ways to upgrade to Bio-Linux 3.0: 

Option 1 - Recommended! 
A complete reinstall

Option 2 
An upgrade using the SystemImager program updateclient. 

The pros and cons of both methods, as well as the installation process
are described in the following document:

We are now taking bookings for installations.  Please email the
helpdesk (helpdesk at envgen.nox.ac.uk) to book an installation/upgrade

Important Note: 
Official Red Hat support for the operating system Red Hat 7.3 (on which
Bio-Linux 1.x and 2.x are based) ends on January 1, 2003. Thus we would
like to encourage all Bio-Linux users to start applying for
upgrade/reinstall slots as soon as possible.  We would like to remove
active support for Bio-Linux 1.X and 2.X by Easter 2004. 


Dan and the EGTDC team
Dr Dan Swan (RHCE) - Bio-Linux Developer
EGTDC, CEH, Mansfield Road, Oxford, OX1 3SR
Tel: 01865 281 975 Fax: 01865 281 696
http://envgen.nox.ac.uk/ | dswan at ceh.ac.uk

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